Goosnargh Oliverson's Primary School

Goosnargh Oliverson's Church of England Primary School


Please read with your child each night and check their book bag for any additional information or homework.



Spellings tests will take place every Friday morning. We will be practising them throughout the week at school and we will have a short test of 6 spellings each week. These spellings will be sent home with your child on a weekly basis.  


Extra Spellings

This document contains a list of words that children should know by the end of KS1. We will be practising these every day in school (in addition to the 6 weekly spelling card words) but please practise them at home too. Check that your child knows the Year 1 list as well as the Year 2 list. 


Please can all children read, or be read to, for at least 15 minutes every night. It makes a huge difference to their learning, not only in reading but across all areas of the curriculum. Reading records will be checked on a daily basis.


 My Maths

You have now received your child's individual MyMaths log in details. Games will be added to My Maths on a weekly basis for children to enjoy.

 We are also starting to prepare the children to move on from their number bonds cards and onto some new times tables cards - exciting! If your child has their number bond card from Year 1 please ensure they bring it into school as soon as possible (don't worry if they have lost it we will find them another). 

To help your child with their addition and subtraction calculations follow the link for videos of our methods may be helpful. 




Times Tables Rockstars

All children have been given log-ins and passwords to access this online maths tool. Times Tables Rockstars is an extremely useful game for embedding good times tables knowledge and for helping children develop confidence in this area of maths. Please allow and encourage your child to use this at home, even just 5 minutes a night can make a huge difference.



Thank you for your ongoing support!