Goosnargh Oliverson's Primary School

Goosnargh Oliverson's Church of England Primary School



Children are expected to read a quality novel for at least 15 minutes each day to be recorded in their reading record by parents/guardians. Children are expected to bring their reading book and reading record signed into school every day please.



Every  Friday  your child will have a weekly spelling test.  This will be made up from spellings based on the spelling pattern we have been learning in class (highlighted in yellow on the document) and  words taken from the Year 3 common exception word list which should be learnt at home (highlighted blue on the document). You can see each week’s spellings on the spelling document below.  

Extra practice and consolidation tasks for the spelling pattern taught in class will be set on Spelling Shed. Your child will have a  login for this in their yellow reading diary. 

Also below is a strategy for you to try out to help your child learn their spellings - we will publish a new one each week for the next few weeks. We look forward to hearing how they help you!

Thank you for your support at home.


  • year 3 spellings spring term 2025.pdf












A handy list of high frequency words (HFW) to help your children at home. The expectation is that Year 3 are secure in all of the words from Reception, Year 1 & 2.

highfrequencywords 1and2.pdf




Mymaths homework will be set weekly on Friday to be completed by the following Tuesday.

Username: goosnargh

Password: rectangle65

All children have been sent home with their individual username and password.  

Times tables

Times tables should be practised regularly at home; knowing these is crucial to performance in Maths and the expectation of the national curriculum is that all children should know their times tables up to 12 x 12 by the end of Year 4. This means being able to recite times tables ie. 1 times 5 is 5, 6 times 4 is 24 etc. and knowing related division facts i.e.  5 divided by 5 is 1, 36 divided by 3 is 12 etc

The children will practise their times tables on a daily basis using Times Tables Rock Star Maths.  Children have their own user name and password to use the app at home.

They will also be tested on a specific times table each Thursday. You can see each week's focus on the document below. 

Thank you for your continued support. 

year 3 times tables spring term 2025.pdf









  •  Here's a useful publication with some top tips and tricks to help you learn your times tables each week. Juts look up the focussed times tables and see what patterns and tricks you can learn to help you remember them! 

    tips and useful ideas for learning times tables.pdf