Your child needs to read each night in accordance with our school policy. They can earn 'points' on the reading streak in class and will be rewarded with team points as they move up the reading streak. Please sign your child's reading diary each night to show they have read and enable them to earn points on their reading streak - it gets quite competitive!
Each week, your child will have new additional spellings to learn and will be told which ones these are (a sheet has been sent home). Your child will be tested on their spelling words each MONDAY.
year 4 spellings autumn 1 2024.pdf
Your child has now brought home their Spelling Shed login, please ask them to show you. This site is full of games, activities and learning which supports what we are doing in school. Have a look round the site together and during the year we will signpost your child to various activities on there using their login.
Your child has brought their login details home and homework is uploaded weekly onto the site for them to complete.
What IS the Year 4 Multiplication Check?
We get many parents asking about this national check - you can find information on this website:
In Maths, times tables play an important factor. By the end of Year 4, it is expected that children know all of their times tables facts up to 12x12. It is important that your child practises their times table weekly. It is expected that your children goes on to Times Table RockStars every week. Your child has now brought home their times table achievement card - please ask them to show you. They can earn stars for practising at home if they recite a times table to an adult - practise makes perfect!
TTRockStars is our online learning platform - your child has now brought a letter home with them with a reminder of their login details. Most people find this most accessible on a tablet, laptop or PC.
Below is a link to the BBC website for a variety of times tables songs in order to help your child become more confident and fluent in recalling all times tables up until the 12 times table.