We will also be exploring the 'high frequency words' as part of our daily routine. Some of these words fall outside the work we do in class on spelling patterns. Your child should be able to spell almost all of these words correctly already and all of them by the end of the year.
Maths Homework
Maths homework will be set every week to be completed by the following Tuesday. Homework will be set via MyMaths. Your child can be provided with a new copy of their login details, should you need them.
Times tables should be rehearsed regularly at home to support progress being made in school. It is essential that your child knows their times tables up to 12 x 12 and can recite both multiplication and related division facts. For example, 2 x 25 = 50, therefore 2 x 250 = 500 / 2 x 2500 is 5000, and so on.
The children should use their TTRockstars account weekly to practise their times tables.
Read as a writer, so you can write as a reader! Reading is a master skill and unlocks ALL of your child's learning. In Year 6 this is particularly important, as the end of year assessments will include a comprehension test which could be on any subject! Let's get Year 6 reading and loving it! We recommend nightly reading, for a minimum of 15 minutes.
Please click here for a list of questions you could be asking your child at home to develop their inference skills. These style of questions will help your child improve their ability to infer what the author is implying by thinking about what is not necessary stated in the text. Your child should be able to form reasonable suggestions and back it up using evidence from the text.
You can find the reading response prompts, to support your child's reading, here.
We are often asked by parents how they can support their child if they are doing some writing at home. Stamina for writing is important, and it is nice for children to have access to stationery they find fun to use, such as a special notebook to record their ideas. To make all your purchases of those sparkly gel pens and pencil cases worth it, here are some fantastic writing prompts which we are currently using in school! Simply scroll down until you find the genre your child is writing in, and you will find lots of fantastic sentence starters to help you support your child's writing in school.