Goosnargh Oliverson's Primary School

Goosnargh Oliverson's Church of England Primary School


The National Curriculum states that: 

'A high-quality history education will help pupils gain a coherent knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past and that of the wider world. It should inspire pupils’ curiosity to know more about the past. Teaching should equip pupils to ask perceptive questions, think critically, weigh evidence, sift arguments, and develop perspective and judgement. History helps pupils to understand the complexity of people’s lives, the process of change, the diversity of societies and relationships between different groups, as well as their own identity and the challenges of their time.'


History is all around us. The study of history ignites children’s curiosity about the past in Britain and the wider world. Through finding out about how and why the world, our country, culture and local community have developed over time, children understand how the past influences the present. 

History enables children to develop a context for their growing sense of identity and a chronological framework for their knowledge of significant events and people. What they learn through history can influence their decisions about personal choices, attitudes and values. At Oliverson’s, our intent, when teaching history, is to stimulate the children’s curiosity in order for them to develop their knowledge, skills and understanding of the past and how it influences the future.


Lessons are planned to incorporate key concepts from our curriculum. Children ask and research ‘big questions’ in the context of historical events, looking with depth at concepts that touch more than one time period. Shared experiences of different groups of people are investigated through these same concepts, such as discrimination, community and conflict.

Children are given the opportunity to explore world issues and reflect on the ways history teaches us lessons about how to develop and nurture our society. Our knowledge-rich curriculum gives children the opportunity to immerse themselves in evidence and source material while independently leading the learning towards answers to questions they have constructed.


The impact of our History curriculum will be evidenced through the pupils’ use and understanding of the knowledge, skills, concepts and specialist vocabulary. We will assess by the use and outcomes of varied activities, assessments and quizzes. The broad range of approaches for pupils to communicate their knowledge will ensure that everyone can demonstrate progression and impact. Pupils will be able to address and discuss each unit’s key question, giving a response focusing on historical vocabulary, skills and concepts. Pupils will understand and clarify to others what history is and the importance and value of studying the subject. They will explain to others how they are progressing and what they can do to get better in the subject.


Key skills and key knowledge for History have been mapped across the school to ensure progression between year groups. This also ensures that there is a context for the children’s work in History; that they learn about real life examples and the purpose of studying History, as well as developing their skills throughout the programme of study.