Welcome to Sport at Goosnargh Oliverson’s
We love all children to be active and ensure 2 hours of structured PE a week plus 3 free play sessions and a daily run on our mile a day track too. We try to be competitive entering most Preston Sports' Council events and joining with the Longridge cluster for tournaments and athletics events.
Sports Council
At Goosnargh Oliverson’s CE Primary School, we want our pupils to get the best experience from their sport and P.E. lessons. Therefore once restrictions are eased and bubbles are able to mix, a member of, sports council team will be appointed to help make decisions along side the teachers to maintain a positive attitude towards school sport.
During the weekly meetings, children maturely help plan and decide how to get the best out of PE sessions in school. In addition, they plan and support playtime activities with younger children and help with coordination practice for our youngest children to become more physically confident.
Alongside our leading sports staff, pupils will be involved in:
- Helping to organise Intra-School competitions.
- Helping to ensure our achievements are shared with the rest of the school.
- Writing sport reports.
- Organising different activities at playtime to promote an active lifestyle.
- Working with younger children to build upon their basic movement skills.
- Ensuring that the school sports notice board is up to date with results.
- Be a representative for the rest of the school to put ideas and opinions forward.
- There may be opportunities for pupils to attend leadership meetings to develop their skills and share ideas.
- They will help the school house captains organise their team choices for house matches.
- They will help to organise and run both Sports Days and School Games Days.
This is a fantastic opportunity for the pupils of Goosnargh to further their leadership skills and have an input in their sporting development throughout the school.
Representing School
Sports Day
Our annual sports' day is a feast of sport, with traditional races in the morning where everyone races both individually and for their house. The Birkby Cup is awarded for the team representing the "Spirit of the Games" who demostrate supportive and sporting qualities.
In the afternoon we break into mixed aged teams within our houses and take part in a carousel of events. Our points are collected up and there are stickers for the winning team and a cup for the winning house.
It is such a fun day and everyone is involved in this huge team event.
Fingers crossed we will be able to host a sport's day event in the near future.